The aim of the We are HERE project is to increase the visibility of the role and work of the LGBT non-governmental sector at a national level among allies, stakeholders and the general public through three awareness and engagement campaigns over a 12-month period.
In the case of the LGBT community in Romania, NGOs that address this population are, in the almost total lack of state intervention in solving their specific problems, the repository of all the expectations of the community.
MozaiQ Association aims to increase the civic engagement of LGBT citizens and allies by informing them on the results of the Campus Pride –
Advocacy Campaigns for Safe Universities project
, and the role and functioning of NGOs, strengthening the constituency by actively recruiting new members through information sessions and one-on-one interviews for the organization’s General Assembly. The project also proposes to increase the visibility of civil society organizations by activating LGBT allies through piloting a communication campaign to popularize the results of the Campus Pride project, by mapping allies and organizing an Allies Gala, organized with support from the partner association, Eu sunt! Tu?, which will bring an added contribution in terms of workshops and legitimacy to the project and civil society as a whole.
The project addresses the LGBT community, and its central message is that NGOs are the foundation of democracy and direct involvement in their work generates systemic change, especially for vulnerable, minority groups.
Objectives of the Project:
We work together for a more inclusive Europe!
The project is implemented by the MozaiQ LGBT Association in partnership with I Am! You? Association and benefits from a grant of 75.000 EUR, through the Active Citizens Fund România programme, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through the SEE 2014-2021 Grants. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the SEE and Norwegian 2014-2021 Grants; for more information visit Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at
Project implemented by: